Hello, my labia aren’t particularly large, but anyway I thought it was a good idea to share with you how do they look like, to show how diferent we are.
As a teenager I was very surprise when I discovered my labia had changed (I didn’t have anymore a child vulva) and were that dark, creased and unsymetrical. I start worring a lot, but I furtunately found some positive website explaining it was completely normal and common to have one labia bigger than the other and that lot’s of labia are very large and with diverse shape. So I started relaxing, but it took me a quite long time to get really comfortable with my labia. Today I’m completely fine and like my labia!
Reading some feminist books as Liv Stromquist comic strip, I thought we should rather be proud to have large labia (as men want to have large penis) instead of wanting to have very small labia. It’s as if we were ashame to have extern sexual organs, and wanted them to desappear, or to be as understated as possible. Quite the opposite, I thing large labia are somehow a chance to have more feelings and pleasure.
One question was unanswered for a long time : what are the small “pieces” of clear skin around my vagina, looking as super small labia around my vagina’s opening ? I think they are what remains of my hymen, but I’m still not absolutely sure. In my mind hymen was an extremely thin skin and those “piece” of skin are thicker than how I imagined hymen.
Do lots of women have something similar ?
PS : I’m French so sorry for my English 🙂
Answer: During the first intercourse, after the rupture of the hymen, it may happen that in some cases residues of the membrane remains. These residues are called hymen carnucles. Sometimes these residues can be annoying, especially in intimate relationships or during menstruation. My advice, however, is to contact your gynecologist who can give you a professional opinion and give you some more advice on the subject, but you shouldn’t worry about them!